bench of Bombay high court. This information came to the fore following a Right to Information (RTI) query lodged by Prakash Bansod of Civil Human Rights Association (CHRA).
Following the revelation, the chancellor SC Jamir issued orders to vice chancellor SN Pathan to initiate appropriate action. It may be recalled that Bansod had filed a public interest litigation for alleged mismanagement in the university administration. Bansod had raised a slew of contentious issues that included misappropriation of students money worth Rs 7.34 lakh from the Nelson Mandela hostel for foreign students, in the plea. Accordingly, the division bench had directed the university officials to recover Rs 7.34 lakh from three employees of the Nelson Mandela hostel.
Bansod, in his letter to Jamir, has pointed out that though the university, in it's affidavit, had admitted before the court to have recovered the money from the 'tainted' staffers. However, in fact a RTI query revealed that the case of misappropriation was pending with the sessions court in the city and efforts to recover the money would be made only after its verdict. Bansod has urged the chancellor to take sever action against the university officials for submitting false information to the court thus misleading the judiciary. The chancellor's office immediately issued directives to the Pathan to initiate action in the case.

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