Adult Education and Continuing and Extension Services
- Department of Adult, Continuing Education And Extension (Est. 1970)
Established by UGC grants to extend adult education through students in colleges and university departments. - Utilization of University Resources for upliftment of society and the experiences while working in the field enriches education in the University.
- From 1982, the objective of mere Adult Education has changed to Continuing Adult Education & Extension Services.
Major Programs undertaken : - 1. Adult Education & Extension Program (1978)
- 2. Adult and Continuing Education & Extension (1982)
- 3. Point No. 16 of the new 20 point Program of Eradication of Illiteracy (1983)
- 4. Population Education Clubs Activity (1986).
- 5. Area based approach Adult & Continuing Education & Extension Program (1988) 6. Literacy And Continuing Education (1992).
- 7. Program of Adult, Continuing Education & Extension Work and Field Out reach (1997).
- Established 2018 Adult Education Centres at various places since 1979.
- Conducted various Education Programs related to population.
- Organized a National Conference on Continuing Education : Nature and Status (1980).
- Organized a National Workshop on the theme of ‘Monitoring & Evaluation (1993).
- Conducting various short term courses for different targeted groups.
- Operating a Crèche for children of women employees of the University.

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