Specialisation Subjects for Semester –II, III, & IV
Paper I: Advertising & Integrated Marketing Communication
Unit I: Marketing Communication - Introduction to Marketing Communication Concept; Elements of
Marketing Communications; Unifying the Appeal and the Message across the promotion-mix
Unit II: Integrated Marketing Communication - Role of IMC in Marketing and Brand Management;
How Marketing Communication Work; Setting IMC objectives.
Unit III: Communication and Branding - Marketing Communications Functions, Brands, and Integrated
Marketing Communication, Integrated Marketing Communication Partners and Industry, Organisations;
Using Advertising and Promotion to Build Brands; Brands and Stakeholder Relationships; Basic
Marketing Communication Strategies for Building Brands; Integrating the Brand Communication
Process; Customer Brand Decision Making.
Unit IV: Research Methods and Application - Role and Relevance of Research in Communication; Types
of Research and the Research Process; Advertising Research; Positioning Research, Target Market
Research, Pre-test Research and Audience Research.
Unit V: Integrated Marketing Communication and Micro-Marketing - Segmenting, Targeting, and
Positioning. Data-Driven Communication; fostering word-of-mouth; Opinion Leaders, Reference Groups
Unit VI: Creating, Sending, and Receiving Brand Messages-Integrated Marketing, Communication
Creative Concept and Messages; Message Execution; Integrated Marketing Communication, Broadcast,
Out-of-Home, Product Placement Media; Internet and e-Commerce Media; Integrated Marketing
Communication Media Planning.
Unit VII: Sales Promotion in Integrated Marketing Communication-Consumer Sales Promotion and
Packaging; Channel Marketing; Trade Sales Promotions and Co-Marketing; Personal Selling; Direct
Marketing; Trade Shows, Events, Sponsorship and Customer Service.
Unit VIII: Advertising Concepts and Principles-Principles and Concept of Advertising; Evolution and
History of Advertising; Relevance of Advertising in IMC-mix, Overview of the Advertising Scene in
India; Social and Economic impact of Advertising; Account Management - Agency operations, Pitching
Mechanism in Advertising, Client-Agency Interface and Advertising Budget
Unit IX: Public Relations and Corporate Communications-Public Relations Concepts and Principles,
Theories of PR, Laws and Ethics in PR; Strategic PR management, Crisis Communication and
Management, Principles and Concepts of Corporate Communications (CC), Emerging Market Scenario,
Corporate Communications Strategies, Media Relations
Unit X: The Big Picture-Social, Legal and Ethical Issues in IMC; International Marketing Communication;
Multicultural Marketing Communications; Effectiveness, Measurements, and Evaluations of Integrated
Marketing Communication
Suggested Readings:
Integrated Marketing Communications, Pickton, D. and Broderick, A. - Prentice Hall.
Principles of Advertising and IMC, Duncan, Tom. - McGraw Hill.
Using advertising and promotion to build brands, Blyth, J. –Pearson
Advertising management by Jethwaney –Pub by Oxford.
Building the Indian Brand, Kapoor –MacMillan

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