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Poor construction at NIT complex riles residents

Fed up of the tepid response from officials of the Nagpur Improvement Trust (NIT), residents of NIT Complex Flat Owners Associationapproached minister of state for town planning Bhaskar Jadhav this month to complain against poor quality of construction in their residential apartment.

Ever since residents moved to the complex in Ayurvedic College layout, Sakkardara in 2007, they have been repeatedly writing to NIT complaining against heavy seepage in their apartment walls due to internal leakage in water supply and sewage pipelines. It's been over four years but NIT is yet to pay heed to their complaints.

"During monsoon, the continuous seepage results in pools of water in the corridors. The walls and tiles on the floor are always wet. All the residents complain of damage to furniture. People fall ill round the year due to the dampness in the rooms. Two elderly persons died due to illness after moving here. The dirty water seeping from the sewage pipelines stinks and is causing serious health problems. NIT must respond to our pleas," said AG Vanjari, secretary of apartments society in building C.

Residents complained that they have paid through their nose to get repairs done but no matter how much money is poured into it, it goes down the drain since internal problems are not addressed. The construction at the complex was completed in 2006 and handed over to residents. Most residents moved in only in 2007. "It was only after we moved in that we realized the problem and began writing to NIT," he added.

Residents complained that NIT left several works incomplete. For example, it did not provide proper garden for recreation, enough parking space and other amenities as promised. There are 160 apartments of varying sizes in the complex. "We feel cheated. Many of us have taken loans to pay huge amount for the flats and we got a raw deal," complained DH Palve, a resident. He also complained about an open plot outside the complex that has been reduced to a dumping yard.

Residents pointed out that the C building had weakened due to continuous seepage on all sides. Even the fire fighting system in the building is non-functional. Minister for food, civil supplies and consumer protection Anil Deshmukh wrote to NIT in this matter last year and requested NIT to do the needful but to no effect.

Senior official of NIT Sunil Gujjalwar said, "It has been five years since NIT handed over the society to flat owners. Even after so many years, they continue to complain to us about small things. Residents must now maintain the building using their own funds. They make massive changes in the building while renovating the flats and do not co-ordinate with each other. This results in internal leakages. We have done several repairs in the past but they are never satisfied." 

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