Nagpur University's much-delayed decision to start an entrance exam for doctor of philosophy (PhD) aspirants from this session has been hailed in the academic circles. Vice chancellor Vilas Sapkal recently came out with a direction (No. 7 of 2011) informing affiliated colleges and NU departments of entrance exam for getting a PhD and its guidelines. NU was the last one among all non-agriculture universities in Maharashtra of not having entrance test for the PhD aspirants. TOI had on Saturday reported about the exam in detail.
Senior academician Dr Ved Prakash Mishra stated that the test will help in picking out the best talent. "The entrance will act as a filter which will pick up students who are most deserving. It will surely raise the standards of PhD aspirants," he said.
Others like Dhanwate National College (DNC) principal Baban Taywade while lauding the decision said the decision was taken as per the University Grants Commission (UGC) guidelines. "These exams will be tough but those who are really willing to do it will surely clear it. It will lead to improvement in the quality of those pursuing this prestigious degree," he added.
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Senior academician Dr Ved Prakash Mishra stated that the test will help in picking out the best talent. "The entrance will act as a filter which will pick up students who are most deserving. It will surely raise the standards of PhD aspirants," he said.
Others like Dhanwate National College (DNC) principal Baban Taywade while lauding the decision said the decision was taken as per the University Grants Commission (UGC) guidelines. "These exams will be tough but those who are really willing to do it will surely clear it. It will lead to improvement in the quality of those pursuing this prestigious degree," he added.
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